
What do we do?

In SIAM we develop systems formed of:

Customisation of generic proprietary software for each client including those operational modules that are needed

We take care of the development, certification, roll-out coordination and support, services to optimally operate and tune, perform corrective and evolutive maintenance tasks and support troubleshooting and dynamic incident resolution

Additional specialised hardware that we also distribute (Pin Pads and their mounts, cash note validators, scanners)

SIAM (Sistemas Avanzados en Monética)

We have three major business lines:

Payment gateways

EFT payment gateway system for multiple stores and supermarkets.

This system allows debit/credit/phone/contactless card payments to be processed from hundreds of stores located in wide geografical areas (both national and international). This is a modular, scalable and distributed system capable of adapting to different system architectures that selling points may have (Windows/Linux OS, distributed store backoffice servers or centralised servers, etc).

Modules include: Foreign currency payments, phone top-ups, delayed payment charging, gift cards, gift vouchers, tax free, private cards, co-branding, cross boarding and solidary round-up.

Digital automation of invoice management

Complete automation of the invoice management process including receival of invoice in the cloud, automatic data recognition and insertion into ERP or accounting systems and flux of validation, authorisation and payment.

System based on cloud OCR: Readsoft online (currently known as KOFAX).

This system allows to receive, account and direct to the required cycle to validate and authorise the payment of all invoices. This is an ideal system when the number of invoices is very large and/or these invoices are generated, validated and authorised in different regions or countries.

SAP integration

Thanks to our accumulated experience in integrating SAP applications, we have acquired solid knowledge in SAP and its system interfaces (Java Connector/.NET Connector). This allows us to develop applications capable of managing invoices (MIRO) from an external standpoint and through a more optimised way, generating all SAP data required and issuing all transactions and accounting notes that are necessary.


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